Partners & Missions
Women Walking in Wisdom is committed to feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and the spreading the love of God through a variety of platforms. We support a number of ministries and try to impact the community through services.
Cali International
The Call International is the ministry of Missionary Janel Dia, a native of Philadelphia. Mrs. Dia, a graduate of Penn State University began her journey in ministry at a young age where her family says she would line up her stuffed animals on her bed and preach to them! Janel’s journey has taken her from tin huts in Haiti to the muddy slums of Mexico – all for the sake of the Gospel. Stateside, she ministers to military families whose parents have deployed to Afghanistan and other regions and mentors college students and young adults on getting into college and finding the right career.
If you would like to assist Missionary Dia, contact her at or e-mail Women Walking in Wisdom at
Sarah's House
Women Walking in Wisdom spent 2011 walking in our theme: giving, praying, and fasting. One of our activities included being the hands of God at Sarah’s House, a shelter in Ft. Meade, MD. Members came from Maryland and DC to support this effort and we had such a wonderful time decorating for the families, figuring out how to cook rice in large quantities for the pre-Thanksgiving meal (Thank God for Patsy), and fellowshipping with one another as we served God’s children.
World Vision
Women Walking in Wisdom adopted Tsepo Machine, a little boy from Lesotho, Africa Tsepo lives with his mother and three siblings in a community severely affected by the HIV and AIDS crisis. In some communities, AIDS affects the entire social structure as a generation of hardworking adults is being wiped out. Frightened children and exhausted grandparents rarely have money for food, school or medical care. Tsepo is in primary school and enjoys foreign language. He loves soccer and helps out at home by carrying water.
The cost to sponsor Tsepo is $35 per month. If you would like to volunteer for a month of sponsorship, please contact Alegra Hall.
Race for the Cure
Since each of us knows a family member, co-worker, friend or sister in the Lord who has been touched by cancer, members and friends of Women Walking in Wisdom laced up their sneakers to participate in the American Cancer Society’s Race for the Cure. In addition to walking for sisters who could not walk because they are battling cancer, WWW raised more than $500 to help eradicate the disease.
Laurel Pregnancy Center
For many years now, members of Women Walking in Wisdom have supported the Laurel Pregnancy Center. Committed to giving time, talent and treasure, Women Walking in Wisdom members have been blessed to not only share the love of God by counseling the young ladies who find themselves on the verge of being new moms, but to also provide them with many of the items needed to welcome a new life into the world.